If you are a Washington Grove user you know that the Nunda entrance is showing signs of wear, and its steps are dangerous when wet. If you were also one of those who missed our September 26th community meeting, here’s another chance to weigh in on our initial proposals for new Nunda entrance. What follows are our proposals for the entrance and a summary of comments from the September 26 meeting. If you wish to comment further, please contact us by email or if you know a board member do talk directly to one of us.

Proposed Nunda Entrance Renewal – Why
- Current wall has been repeatedly damaged
- Large Norway maple has grown through wall
- Erosion has filled area between road curb and wall with soil
- Wooden steps are rotting, slanting, slippery when wet
- Entire entry path has become eroded

Proposed Nunda Entrance Renewal – Principles
- Reconstruct boulder wall at Nunda Boulevard entry to the Grove in the spirit of the 1930’s entry designed by landscape architect Francis Gott.
- Remove deteriorated timber steps; replace with steps of recycled medina sandstone curbing, providing a sustainable entry into the Grove.
- Create small staging area for tours and work parties by paving area between new boulder wall and curb.
- Curtail erosion on new stairs by constructing water bars on first trail to left (S) diverting runoff that goes from the base of the trail onto the stairs.
- Remove Norway Maple growing on top of existing wall, ensuring sustainability of new wall and eliminating source of invasive seedlings
- Install new post for Cobbs Hill neighborhood holiday star.
- Close steep trail beyond first junction to limit erosion and runoff onto lower trail, and re-establish vegetation on slope.
Email us at friendsofwashingtongrove@gmail.com with questions or suggestions.