Early in each year The Friends meet with relevant City staff to agree on a plan for work for that year.
- Work with City to identify funding sources for trail revitalization
- Schedule volunteer work day(s) to spread chips.
- Experiment with narrowing specific trails, and/or reinforcing trail corners.
- Clean up debris along trails.
Entries and Signage
- With City, design and install new, consistent signage:
- at major Grove entries
- internal to the Grove, with geolocation for safety.
- Work with City to write and submit grant application(s) for new entries from Nunda Blvd and Cobbs Hill Reservoir.
- Host Eagle Scout project to create new entry from Tay House.
Invasive Plants
- Continue to carry out long-term plan for removing invasive species.
Native Trees/Shrubs/ Herbaceous Layer
- Plant trees, sub-trees, shrubs and herbaceous layer from approved lists in spring and fall.
- Continue experiment with protective fencing for some plantings to discourage damage by deer and other wildlife. Keep records of success.
- Consolidate a shared record of past planting locations and their degree of success.
Park Visitation
- Continue to encourage City support for communication and enforcement of City codes and to address vandalism when it occurs.
- Structure tours to include tours for volunteers on work days, through City Living program, and other special events.
- Finalize tour guide for training volunteers; create tip sheet and other materials.
Outreach/ Communication/ Education
- Continue to build and sustain relationships with multiple organizations and with Recreation Dept. Schedule work dates based on their needs.
- Be open to special projects and recruit people to lead these (e.g. Eagle Scout projects, adopt a tree/plot.).
- Work with City on introducing Rochester youth to parks.
- Offer informational meeting, possibly on regional geology, in late summer/fall.
- Update and maintain electronic communications.
Organizational Improvement and Development
- Document annual activity timeline (e.g.: when arrived at planting plan for coming year).
- Hold semi-annual board retreat and review of annual work plan and five-year plan.
- Recruit board members who represent local neighborhoods.
City Partnership
- Meet with and offer tours to Commissioners of Recreation and DES, and Mayor.
- Meet with city officials once a year (in late winter) to review prior year outcomes based on goals and to gain agreement on goals for current year.
- Agree on MoU with city.
Budget and Funding
- Develop longer term funding needs and related budget.
- Identify one grant to pursue as formal non-profit.
- Encourage tax-free donations.
Knowledge Acquisition and Sustainability
- Continue to network with other park stewardship groups, restoration groups (e.g. SER), and interested scientists and historians.
- Work with City on survey of southern, eastern and western park boundaries.
- Explore resources for tree survey.
- Work with neighbourhood groups on vision for Cobbs Hill Park.